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     Rubbermaid Home Products                     Sheriff John Magnuson

     United Way of Greater Toledo                 Pat Lang- General Electric Corp.

     Mary Kay Director Cheryl Jefferson          Trish McCartney State Farm Insurance

     Mary Kay Director Melissa Sperko             BodyGenics     

     Mary Kay Director Erin Wiley                   OSU/Port Clinton Performing Arts Festival

     Sutton Center Community Services Building

     What others are saying-


"I started working at a very young age putting myself through college. I worked at an office for 10 years and along the way started “giving back” to my community by volunteering – Kiwanis membership chair, OSU Alumni Club active member, American Cancer Society Board Member, graphic design work for friends and other odds and ends jobs. As you can imagine, my home office was a complete disaster with papers from all sorts of projects in the works, completed projects that needed filed -- not to mention my husband’s projects and personal things that also needed attention.


That’s when I decided that I could not organize my home office by myself. So I called on the assistance of Cindy Gunderson of The Organization. As soon as I mentioned to her that I wanted her help, we made an appointment for the following week. In just a few hours, we sorted through paperwork, and I was amazed that we went from a 4-drawer file cabinet full of personal and volunteer projects and 2 desks full of paperwork to one drawer in the file cabinet. I also went from two desks, for business use, down to one desk for business and one desk for projects and crafts.


Since Cindy did such a good job on the office, I hired her again to help me with a couple other rooms including organizing a dressing room in my home that includes our dressers, vanity, clothes and shoes. Before this process, I had clothes in several different rooms and levels of my home. I feel that these projects have made my life a lot easier and have helped me save time in my active daily life.


Cindy Gunderson of The Organization is a motivational go-getter with lots of energy. I would highly recommend her services to anyone that needs a little organization in their life."


Mary Ann Snider

Port Clinton, Ohio


Cindy Gunderson is a lifesaver and a miracle worker and a sensitive soul.  When budget constraints forced me to consolidate two office suites into one I sat with my head in my hands in the throes of despair.  However would I, a saver of boxes and minutiae, accomplish the task?  The thought paralyzed me.

It occurred to me I knew someone who had skills I have never acquired – Cindy Gunderson.  She and I met and got to know each other when we served on our local school’s strategic planning team.  I knew she had a volunteer’s heart and a business that did what I couldn’t. 

 She came to my offices, assessed the situation, proposed a plan, and implemented it without ever causing my anxiety level to rise.  It was so painless for me and the result was so much more than I dreamed I am willing to recommend her to anyone who needs reorganization.  Because of Cindy I can find things I knew we had but couldn’t lay my hands on.

 In fact, based on the experience in my own office consolidation, I hired Cindy to help a group of non-profit agencies prepare to move from rented space in individual offices to a shared community services building in our community.  That project is underway and Cindy is using her quiet, thoughtful, analytical and planning skills to help each agency assess and plan for their new situation. 

 My imagination told me an organizational expert would intimidate me.  Cindy did just the opposite. She empowered me to function well in my space and to continue to think before I keep anything. 

She is a gem.


Chris Galvin

Ottawa County Director




To Whom It May Concern:

 I would highly recommend Cindy Gunderson for any type of task requiring organizational skills.  I had an excellent experience working with her, even with an unusual set of circumstances!

            Cindy and I had just begun working to organize all of my closets and drawers when our house was devastated by a tornado in November, 2002.

Although many things from our accumulation of twenty-nine years were blown away, the items that were left in our house were hurriedly put into boxes by kind relatives and friends and taken to three different storage units.

Loose insulation was pelted into everything, and many items were wet from the rain that fell on our roofless home immediately following the tornado.

            Cindy worked diligently and tirelessly with me every week all winter until we had scoured through each box, discarding unnecessary or damaged items and washing and repacking everything.  She carefully labeled and numbered each container room by room and kept meticulous records in her notebook.  It was certainly not an easy task, but Cindy was right by my side encouraging me that we would "get through this."

            During this same time she drew up plans for organizing our closets with a variety of shelf and storage designs.  Once these were decided upon, our contractor had them built.

            The day we moved back, Cindy was there with her lists and organizational skills to supervise about twenty relatives and friends to put each box in the correct room.  Everything went smoothly and this major task was completed in record time.  The next day my husband was putting his clothes and shoes into his closet.  It was arranged with rods of varying heights, several shelves, and four large cubby areas.  He said, "I told you that all I wanted was my old rod and shelf back, and now look what you've done!"  I encouraged him to just "work with it" by putting sweaters here, his jeans there, his shirts in this area, etc.  Soon afterward he was very happy with the results and often tells people about Cindy and her closets.

            Cindy has a very gentle and persuasive way of helping people organize their belongings and their lives.  I thoroughly enjoyed working with her and am most appreciative of her time and talent.  I have already and will continue to recommend Cindy for any task that requires a skilled organizer.


Mary Jane Gibson

Port Clinton, OH  43452



Send mail to cindy@organized-one.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2006 The Organization
Last modified: 08/15/07